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Fan Information

TICKETS: For regular shows, adult admission is $20, Students w/ID Ages 10-15 is $10, Under 9 is Free for regular shows. Special events will have increased ticket prices.  NOTICE:  Grandview does NOT accept credit cards!

GROUP RATES: A $2 discount on adult tickets for groups of 25 or more.
Arrangements must be made in advance

PARKING: Parking is always free on the Speedway grounds.

RAINOUT INFORMATION: Click here for our latest race-day weather update. Check the Grandview Speedway Facebook

RAIN CHECKS are honored for one of the next (2) events ONLY if less than (4) events of the program are completed.
In addition there are no refunds if you use your rain checks from special events for regular events!

FOOD & BEVERAGES: NASCAR has honored Grandview Speedway for their outstanding concession food items. There are a wide variety of good food items at reasonable prices. Fans are also permitted to bring their own refreshments. There are limits however to cooler sizes and the amount of alcoholic beverages allowed. NO GLASS CONTAINERS ARE PERMITTED!

RESTROOMS: Permanent facilities are located at the main entrance.

FAMILY GRANDSTAND: In the fourth turn area there is a well marked Family Grandstand. This area is designed for fans who do not care to drink alcoholic beverages and NO alcoholic beverages are allowed in this area!

FAN BEHAVIOR: It is important to enjoy the racing events without interfering with other fans around you. Radio & televisions are permitted at reasonable sound levels. Foul and/or lewd language or behavior will not be tolerated and can result in your removal from the speedway grounds.

SECURITY: There are trained security people patrolling the grounds during all racing events with at least one person always located at the front gate. If you have any sort of problem, contact the nearest security person who can be identified by clothing which has “Security” in bright block letters.

BANNERS: Banners and signs are welcome providing they are in good taste as determined by management. They may not interfere with the vision of other fans. No commercial banners or signage allowed anywhere on the speedway grounds without prior arrangement with management.

AUTOGRAPHS: Fans may enter the competition area (pits) 15 minutes after the races are over. Some teams have sportswear available and some teams do have give-a-ways.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The announcer will make Birthday and anniversary announcements if they are in the current week. These requests must be written legibly and brought to the container outside the announcer’s booth.

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